
Books and Edited Volumes

Biron, M., Boon, C., Farndale, E., & Bamberger, P. (2024) Human Resource Strategy:  Formulation, Implementation, and Impact (3rd edition). Abingdon: Taylor and Francis.

Lazarova, M., Thomas, D. C., & Farndale, E. (2021). Essentials of International Human Resource Management (2nd edition). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., & Farndale, E. (2018). Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management 2nd edition. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2017). Strategy, HRM and Performance: A Contextual Approach (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Castro-Christiansen, L., Farndale, E., Biron, M., & Kuvaas, B. (2017). The Global Human Resource Management Casebook 2nd edition. UK: Routledge.

Scholarly Articles Published in Refereed Journals

Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., Boselie, P., & Horak, S. (2024). Corporate scandals as punctuating events that change human resource roles. Journal of Management. DOI:

Jaiswal, S., Bhatnagar, J., Farndale, E., & Aeron, P. (2024). How do human resources analytics create value for organizations? A qualitative investigation. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance. DOI:

Jaiswal, S., Bhatnagar, J., Farndale, E., & Aeron, P. (2024). Human resource analytics, creative problem-solving capabilities and firm performance: Mediator moderator analysis using PLS-SEM. Personnel Review. DOI:

Farndale, E., Beamond, M., Corbett-Etchevers, I., & Xu, S. (2022). Accessing host country national talent in emerging economies:  A resource perspective review and future research agenda. Journal of World Business, 57(1). DOI:

Farndale, E., Agarwal, P., & Budhwar, P. (2022). Outcomes of talent identification in economically liberalized India:  Does organizational justice matter? Journal of Business Research, 144(May), 740-750. DOI:

Farndale, E., Bonache, J., McDonnell, A., & Kwon, B. (2022). Positioning context front and center in international human resource management research. Human Resource Management Journal, 33(1), 1-16. DOI:

Knies, E., Borst, R., Leisink, P., & Farndale, E. (2022). The distinctiveness of public sector HRM: a four-wave trend analysis. Human Resource Management Journal. DOI:

Zhang, L., & Farndale, E. (2022). Workforce age profile effects on job resources and work outcomes. Personnel Review. DOI:

Parry, E., Farndale, E., Brewster, C., & Morley, M. (2021). Balancing rigour and relevance: the case for methodological pragmatism in conducting large-scale, multi-country, comparative management studies. British Journal of Management, 32(2), 273-282. ISBN/ISSN:

Timming, A., Farndale, E., Budhwar, P., & Wood, G. (2021). What are registered reports and why are they important to the future of human resource management research? Human Resource Management Journal. DOI: 10.1111/1748-8583.12359

Presbitero, A., Teng-Calleja, M., & Farndale, E. (2021). Employee perceptions of HRM system strength: Examining outcome and boundary conditions among HR and non-HR employees. Personnel Review.

Yahiaoui, D., Nakhle, S., & Farndale, E. (2021). Culture and performance appraisal in multinational enterprises: Implementing French headquarters’ practices in MENA subsidiaries. Human Resource Management. DOI: 10.1002/hrm.22063

Farndale, E., Thite, M., Budhwar, P., & Kwon, B. (2021). Deglobalization and talent sourcing: Cross-national evidence from high-tech firms. Human Resource Management, 60(2), 259–272. DOI: 10.1002/hrm.22038

Kwon, B. & Farndale, E. (2020). Employee voice viewed through a cross-cultural lens. Human Resource Management Review, 30(1).

Farndale, E., Panayotopoulou, L., & Nikandrou, I. (2020). Talent inflow across countries. In Galanaki, E., Nikandrou, I. and Panayotopoulou, L. (Eds.), Volume in honor of professor Nancy Papalexandris: An anthology on Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Special issues in Management (pp. 40-57). Athens, Greece: Editions Benou.

Beamond, M., Farndale, E., & Hartel, C. (2020). Frames and actors: Translating talent management strategy to Latin America. Management and Organization Review, 16(2), 405-442.

Farndale, E., Lamare, J. R., Vidovic, M., & Chauhan, A. S. (2019) Understanding financial participation across market economies. International Studies of Management & Organization, 49(4), 402-421.

Farndale, E., Metto, Z., & Nakhle, S. (2020). Human resource management systems and work engagement:  Exploring the impact of employee paternalistic values. Management Revue, 31(4), 489-509

Horak, S., Farndale, E., Brannen, M. Y., & Collings, D. (2019). International human resource management in an era of political nationalism. Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), 471-480.

Farndale, E., Valverde, M., & Morley, M. (2019). Talent management: Quo vadis? Business Research Quarterly, 22, 152-159.

Zhu, J., Xu, S., Herst, D., & Farndale, E. (2018). Ethical leadership and employee pro-social rule-breaking behavior in China. Asian Business & Management, 17(1), 59–81.

Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2018). SHRM & Context: Why firms want to be as different as legitimately possible. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 5(3), 202-210.

Farndale, E., & Sanders, K. (2017). Conceptualizing HRM System Strength through a Cross-Cultural Lens. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(1), 132-148.

Agarwal, P., & Farndale, E. (2017). High-performance work systems and creativity implementation:  The role of psychological capital and psychological safety. Human Resource Management Journal, 27(3), 440–458.

Farndale, E., Ligthart, P., Poutsma, E., & Brewster, C. J. (2017). The effects of market economy type and foreign MNE subsidiaries on the convergence and divergence of HRM. Journal of International Business Studies, 48(9), 1065–1086. *Winner of the 2018 AOM HR Division International HR Scholarly Research award.

Farndale, E. (2017). Two-Country Study of Engagement, Supervisors and Performance Appraisal. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 11(3), 342-362.

Martin, G., Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., & Stiles, P. (2016). Corporate governance and strategic human resource management: Four archetypes and proposals for a new approach to corporate sustainability. European Management Journal, 34(1), 22–35.

Kwon, B., Farndale, E., & Park, J. G. (2016). Employee Voice and Work Engagement: Macro, Meso and Micro-level Drivers of Convergence? Human Resource Management Review, 26(4), 327–337.

Beamond, M., Farndale, E., & Hartel, C. (2016). MNE translation of corporate talent management strategies to subsidiaries in emerging economies. Journal of World Business, 51(4), 499–510.

Stiles, P., Trevor, J., Farndale, E., Morris, S. S., Paauwe, J., Stahl, G. K., & Wright, P. M. (2015). Changing Routine: Reframing Performance Management within a Multinational. Journal of Management Studies, 52(1), 63-88.

Farndale, E., & Murrer, I. (2015). Job Resources and Employee Engagement: A Cross-National Study. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30(5), 610 – 626.

Farndale, E., Pai, A., Sparrow, P., & Scullion, H. (2014). Balancing individual and organizational needs in global talent management:  A mutual-benefits perspective. Journal of World Business, 49(2), 204-214.

Farndale, E., Beijer, S., Van Veldhoven, M., Kelliher, C., & Hope-Hailey, V. (2014). Work and organisation engagement: Aligning research and practice. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 1(2), 157-176.

Farndale, E., & Kelliher, C. (2013). Implementing performance appraisal: exploring the employee experience. Human Resource Management, 52(6), 879–897.

Sparrow, P., Farndale, E., & Scullion, H. (2013). An empirical study of the role of the corporate HR function in global talent management in professional and financial service firms in the global financial crisis. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(9), 1777-1798.

Stahl, G. K., Björkman, I., Farndale, E., Morris, S. S., Paauwe, J., Stiles, P., Trevor, J., & Wright, P. M. (2012). Six principles of effective global talent management. Sloan Management Review, 53(2), 25-42.

Paauwe, J., Farndale, E., & Biron, M. (2011). De effectiviteit van performance management: Lessen vanuit de praktijk. [Performance management effectiveness: lessons from practice.]. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 3, 1-20.

Scullion, H., Sparrow, P., & Farndale, E. (2011). Global talent management: New challenges for the corporate HR role in the global recession. Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi [Polish Journal of Human Resource Management], 1, 1-20.

Kelliher, C., Clarke, C., Hope Hailey, V., & Farndale, E. (2011). Going global, feeling small: an examination of managers’ reactions to global re-structuring in a multi-national organization. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(11), 2163-2179.

Farndale, E., Hope Hailey, V., & Kelliher, C. (2011). High commitment performance management: the roles of justice and trust. Personnel Review, 40(1), 5-23. *Winner of the 2012 Emerald Outstanding Paper award.

Biron, M., Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2011). Performance management: Lessons from world-leading firms. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(6), 1294-1311.

Farndale, E., Van Ruiten, J., Kelliher, C., & Hope Hailey, V. (2011). The influence of employee voice on organizational commitment in times of organizational change: an exchange perspective. Human Resource Management, 50(1), 1-17.

Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., & Boselie, P. (2010). An exploratory study of governance in the intra-firm Human Resources supply chain. Human Resource Management, 49(5), 849-868.

Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., Morris, S. S., Stahl, G. K., Stiles, P., Trevor, J., & Wright, P. M. (2010). Context-bound configurations of corporate HR functions in multinational corporations around the globe. Human Resource Management, 49(1), 45-66.

Farndale, E., Scullion, H., & Sparrow, P. (2010). The role of the corporate HR function in Global Talent Management. Journal of World Business, 45(2), 161-168.

Farndale, E. (2010). What is really driving differences and similarities in HRM across national boundaries in Europe. European Journal of International Management, 4(4), 362-381.

Morris, S. S., Wright, P. M., Trevor, J., Stiles, P., Stahl, G. K., Snell, S. A., Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2009). Global challenges to replicating HR: The role of people, processes, and systems. Human Resource Management, 48(6), 973– 995. *Winner of the 2009 AOM HR Division International HR Scholarly Research award.

Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., & Hoeksma, L. (2009). In-sourcing HR: shared service centers in the Netherlands. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(3), 544-561.

Farndale, E., & Hope Hailey, V. (2009). Personnel departmental power: realities from the UK higher education sector. Management Revue, 20(4), 392-412.

Farndale, E., Brewster, C. J., & Poutsma, E. (2008). Coordinated vs. liberal market HRM: the impact of institutionalization on multinational firms. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 19(11), 2004-2023.

Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2008). De HR-functie in internationale ondernemingen: de bijdrage aan een high performance theorie. [The HR function in international firms: contribution to a high performance theory.]. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 11(3), 5-23.

Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2008). De Nederlandse HR-Functie voor het voetlicht. Een vergelijking tussen Nederlandse en Amerikaanse/Britse HR-rollen. [The Dutch HR function under the spotlight. A comparison of Dutch and American/British HR roles.]. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 82(7-8), 345-356.

Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2007). HR shared service centers in Nederland. Ervaringen, verwachtingen en lessen voor de toekomst. [HR shared service centers in the Netherlands. Experiences, expectations, and lessons for the future.]. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 10(3), 7-31.

Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2007). Uncovering competitive and institutional drivers of HRM practices in multinational corporations. Human Resource Management Journal, 17(4), 355-375.

Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2006). Vakbonden en ondernemingsraden staan innovatie in de weg. [Trade unions and works councils hinder innovation.]. Zeggenschap. Tijdschrift over Arbeidsverhoudingen, 17(1), 6-7.

Farndale, E. (2005). HR department professionalism: a comparison between the UK and other European countries. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(5), 660-675.

Farndale, E., & Brewster, C. J. (2005). In search of legitimacy: personnel management associations worldwide. Human Resource Management Journal, 15(3), 33-48.

Hope Hailey, V., Farndale, E., & Truss, K. (2005). The HR department’s role in organizational performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 15(3), 49-66.

Jackson, S., Farndale, E., & Kakabadse, A. (2003). Executive development: meeting the needs of top teams and boards. Journal of Management Development, 22(3), 185-265.

Book Chapters

Farndale, E., & Vaiman, V. (2022) HR professionals and talent management: Navigating the dynamic macro context. In V. Vaiman, D. Collings, & H. Scullion (Eds.), Talent Management: A Decade of Developments (pp. 107-125). Emerald. DOI: 10.1108/9781801178341

Farndale, E., & Vidovic, M. (2021). Employee engagement. In A. Wilkinson & T. Dundon (Eds.), Contemporary Human Resource Management (6th Ed.) (pp. Chapter 15). London: Sage., ISBN/ISSN: 9781529758276

Farndale, E., & Vidovic, M. (2021). Is the HRM department becoming more strategic?  Exploring the latest global evidence. In E. Parry, M. J. Morley, & C. Brewster (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Approaches to Human Resource Management (pp. Chapter 29). Oxford: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190861162.013.29, ISBN/ISSN: 9780190861162

Farndale, E., Lamare, J. R., Vidovic, M., & Chauhan, A. S. (2021). Understanding financial participation across market economies. In Morley, M. (Eds.), Comparative Human Resource Management : Contextual Insights from an International Research Collaboration Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-367-76770-9

Beamond, M., Farndale, E., & Hartel, C. (2020). Emerging markets and talent management: Decision-makers, translators and recipients’ five core challenges. In L. Camacho & S. Singh (Eds.), Business Practices, Growth and Economic Policies in Emerging Markets (pp. 115-134). Singapore: World Scientific. DOI:

Farndale, E., Panayotopoulou, L., & Nikandrou, I. (2020). Talent inflow across countries. In Galanaki, E., Nikandrou, I. and Panayotopoulou, L. (Eds.), Volume in honor of professor Nancy Papalexandris: An anthology on Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior and Special issues in Management (pp. 40-57). Athens, Greece: Editions Benou.

Nijssen, M., Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2019). A “chaordic” organizational structure to achieve organizational agility. In Lopez-Cabrales, A., & Valle, R. (Eds.), Human Resource Management at the Crossroads: Challenges and Future Directions (pp. 72-107). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Farndale, E., Mayrhofer, W., & Brewster, C. (2019). Comparative HRM. In Wilkinson, A., Bacon, N., Snell, S., & Lepak, D. (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Human Resource Management, 2e (pp. 99-109). Sage.

Boselie, P., Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2018). Comparing performance management across contexts. Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Farndale, E., Sparrow, P., Scullion, H., & Vidovic, M. (2019). Global talent management: New challenges for the corporate HR function. In D. G. Collings and H. Scullion (Eds.), Global Talent Management (2nd edition) (pp. 108-127). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Farndale, E., Nickandrou, I., & Panayotopoulou, L. (2018). Recruitment and selection in context. Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mayrhofer, W., Brewster, C., & Farndale, E. (2018). Future avenues for comparative human resource management. Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Farndale, E., Mayrhofer, W., & Brewster, C. (2018). The meaning and value of comparative human resource management: An introduction. Handbook of Research in Comparative Human Resource Management Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Vidović, M., & Farndale, E. (2016). HR departments in multinational corporations. International Human Resource Management: Practices, Trends and Future Directions (pp. 21-43). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Farndale, E., & Vidovic, M. (2016). Employee engagement. In A. Wilkinson & T. Redman (Eds.), Contemporary Human Resource Management (pp. 429-449). Pearson.

Farndale, E., & Atli, D. (2015). Corporate social responsibility and talent management in Turkey. In B. Christiansen & M. Mustafa Erdogdu (Eds.), Comparative Economics and Regional Development in Turkey (pp. 1-15). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Books.

Farndale, E., Beijer, S., & Kelliher, C. (2015). Employee engagement in emerging markets. In Budhwar, P. & Horwitz, F.M. (Eds.), Handbook of Human Resource Management in Emerging Markets (pp. 271-292). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lamare, J. Ryan, Farndale, E., & Gunnigle, P. (2014). Employment relations and international human resource management. In Collings, D. G., Wood, G., & Caligiuri, P. (Eds.), The Routledge companion to international human resource management (pp. 99-120). UK: Routledge.

Sparrow, P., Farndale, E., & Scullion, H. (2014). Globalising the HR architecture: the challenges facing Corporate HQ and International Mobility functions. In Sparrow, P., Scullion, H., and Tarique, I. (Eds.), Strategic Talent Management: Contemporary Issues in International Context (pp. 254-277). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Boselie, P., Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2013). The contribution of HRM to fairness, social legitimacy and public value: Human resource governance and risk management in seven leading multinational companies. In P. Leisink, P. Boselie, M. van Bottenburg, & D. M. Hosking (Eds.), Managing social issues: a public values perspective (pp. 238-257). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Kelliher, C., Hope Hailey, V., & Farndale, E. (2013). Employee engagement in multinational organisations. In Truss, K., Alfes, K., Delbridge, R., Shantz, A., & Soane, E. (Eds.), Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice (pp. 399-433). Routledge.

Farndale, E., Brewster, C. J., & Poutsma, E. (2012). Coordinated vs. liberal market HRM: the impact of institutionalization on multinational firms. In M. B. Lazarova, M. J. Morley, and S. Tyson (Eds.), International Human Resource Management. Policy and Practice (pp. 10-29). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Boselie, P., Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2012). Performance management. In C. J. Brewster and W. Mayrhofer (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Comparative Human Resource Management (pp. 369-392). UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2012). International human resource management and performance. In G. K. Stahl and I. Björkman (Eds.), Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management (2nd ed.) (pp. 97-116). UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sparrow, P., Scullion, H., & Farndale, E. (2010). Global talent management: new roles for the corporate HR function in the global recession. In D. G. Collings and H. Scullion (Eds.), Global Talent Management (pp. 39-55). UK: Routledge.

Hope Hailey, V., Farndale, E., & Kelliher, C. (2010). Trust in turbulent times: the human cost of transformation and the consequences for intra-organizational trust. In M. N. K. Saunders, D. Skinner, N. Gillespie, G. Dietz, and R. J. Lewicki (Eds.), Organizational Trust: A Cultural Perspective (pp. 336-357). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (2008). Restructuring the HR function: HR shared service centers in the Netherlands. In G. Martin, M. Reddington and H. Alexander (Eds.), Technology, Outsourcing and HR Transformation (pp. 105-135). UK: Butterworth Heinemann.

Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (2006). International human resource management and performance. In G. K. Stahl and I. Björkman (Eds.), Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management (2nd ed.) (pp. 91-112). UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Paauwe, J., Farndale, E., & Williams, R. (2005). Web-based organizing in traditional brick-and-mortar companies: the impact on HR. E-Human Resources Management. In T. Torres-Coronas and M. Arias-Oliva (Eds.), E-Human Resources Management: Managing the Knowledge People (pp. 1-30). Hershey, PA: Idea Group, Inc.


Farndale, E., McDonnell, A., Scholarios, D., & Wilkinson, A. (2020). Human Resource Management Journal: A Look to the Past, Present and Future of the Journal and HRM Scholarship. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(1), 1-12.

Farndale, E., McDonnell, A., Scholarios, D., & Wilkinson, A. (2020). The psychologisation conversation: An introduction. Human Resource Management Journal, 30(1), 32-33.

Farndale, E., Horak, S., Phillips, J., & Beamond, M. (2019). Facing complexity, crisis and risk: Opportunities and challenges in international HRM. Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), 465-470.

Horak, S., Farndale, E., Brannen, M. Y., & Collings, D. (2019). International human resource management in an era of political nationalism. Thunderbird International Business Review, 61(3), 471-480.

Farndale, E., Valverde, M., & Morley, M. (2019). Talent management: Quo vadis? Business Research Quarterly, 22(3), 152-159.

Farndale, E., Raghuram, S., Gully, S., Liu, H., Phillips, J., & Vidovic, M. (2017). A Vision of International Human Resource Management Research. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1625-1639.

Raghuram, S., Brewster, C., Chen, X.-P., Farndale, E., Gully, S., & Morley, M. J. (2017). On Theory, Technique and Text: Guidelines and Suggestions on Publishing International Human Resource Management Research. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(12), 1640-1660.

Farndale, E., Biron, M., Briscoe, D. R., & Raghuram, S. (2015). A global perspective on diversity and inclusion in work organisations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 26(6), 677-687.