Invited speaking engagements
Farndale, E. (April 25, 2024). “HR: Responding to the Globe’s Grand Challenges,” The Virtual Chapter of LERA, USA.
Farndale, E. (October 26, 2023). “Strategies for Winning the Talent Supply Chain War in High-Tech Manufacturing,” Materials Day 2023, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA.
Farndale, E. (May 18, 2023). “Economic Challenges & Strategic Human Resource Management,” 28th International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management, Faculty of Economics at Subotica, Subotica, Serbia.
Farndale, E. (October 23, 2022). “Keynote: Conext and HRM Research,” XII International Workshop on HRM, University of Cádiz, Cadiz, Spain.
Farndale, E. (August 26, 2021). “Contingent Talent Strategy in a (Post?) Pandemic World,” Distinguished Guest Seminar Stream, RMIT School of Management, Melbourne, Australia.
Farndale, E. (April 21, 2021). “Research Collaboration: Capturing the Macro Context in IHRM,” Henley International Business Masterclass, Henley School of Management, UK.
Farndale, E. (January 21, 2021). “Deglobalization and high-tech talent: Understanding the interdependencies of corporate and governmental actions,” IHRM Webinar Series, Simon Fraser University.
Farndale, E. (January 15, 2021). “Government, Nonprofit, & Education Panel,” 50th Annual Business Outlook Conference, Ventura County Economic Development Association.
Farndale, E. (November 12, 2020). “The opportunities created by the globalization pause,” Increasing Global Competitiveness Through More Inclusive Human Talent Utilization, CIBE.
Farndale, E. (September 23, 2019). “Strategy, HRM, and Performance,” Clarion University, Clarion, PA.
Farndale, E. (April 5, 2019). “Creating, diffusing and contesting the norms of international management,” Globalizing Actors, Loughborough University London, London, UK.
Farndale, E. (January 9, 2019). “Making an impact (Doctoral Colloquium),” HR International Conference, Academy of Management, Dublin, Ireland.
Farndale, E. (January 9, 2019). “Meet the Editors,” HR International Conference, Academy of Management, Dublin, Ireland.
Farndale, E. (August 11, 2018) “Meet the Editors,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Chicago, IL.
Farndale, E. (April 4, 2018). “How to Publish in Peer-Reviewed Journals,” University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
Farndale, E. (March 12, 2018). “Contextual SHRM & Performance,” Hertfordshire University, Hatfield, UK.
Farndale, E. (February 6, 2018). “Personal and Research Insights into the HR Profession,” Australian HR Institute, Melbourne, Australia.
Farndale, E. (February 5, 2018). “Strategic HRM and Performance: Why worry about the context?” Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
Farndale, E. (August 5, 2017). “Publishing in Top-tier US Journals for Non-US Scholars,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Farndale, E. (September 26, 2016). “The Evolution of Strategic HRM,” International Conference of Human Resource Management, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia.
Farndale, E. (December 7, 2016). “HR’s return to policing? Corporate crises and HR pragmatism,” Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK.
Farndale, E. (November 14, 2016). “The evolution of strategic HRM: 30 years in search of long term viability,” SRH Hochschule Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.
Farndale, E. (August 6, 2016). “Publishing in Top-tier US Journals for Non-US Scholars,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Farndale, E. (March 17, 2016). “Global strategic human resource management,” Global Transformation of Work Conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Farndale, E. (May 30, 2015). “Publishing Workshop,” Annual meeting, LERA, Pittsburg, PA.
Farndale, E. (June 2014). “A cross-cultural comparison of supervisor support linking performance appraisal fairness and employee engagement,” ESCP-Paris, France.
Farndale, E. (January 2014). “A Comparison of Multinational and Domestic Firms across Market Economies: Are HRM Practices Converging?” Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK.
Farndale, E. (February 2008). “Context-bound configurations of corporate HR functions in multinational companies,” National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
Farndale, E. (December 2007). “Context-bound configurations of corporate HR functions in multinational companies,” Aston Business School, UK.
Presentations Given
Piyanontalee, R., Farndale, E., Özçelik, G., Roumpi, D., & Yahiaoui, D. (August 7, 2023). “Cultural values as predictors of congruence between employee and supervisor HR strength perceptions,” 83rd Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Kay, A., Vlachos, P., Tasoulis, K., & Farndale, E. (August 7, 2023). “Fraught expectations: How corporate social responsibility can backfire in recruitment,” 83rd Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Farndale, E. (Panelist. (August 5, 2023). “HR Division Late-Stage Doctoral Student Consortium,” 83rd Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Farndale, E. (Panelist). (August 4, 2023). “HR Division Doctoral Consortium – Research Roundtables,” 83rd Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
McKearney, A., Prouska, R., Oyetunde, K., & Farndale, E. (June 29, 2023). “Talent management in turbulent times: The impact of Brexit and COVID-19 on MNEs in the United Kingdom,” 16th International Human Resource Management Conference, Kings College London, London, UK.
Farndale, E. (August 5, 2022). “International research networks: A tool for engaging scholars,” 82nd Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Seattle, WA.
Knies, E., Leisink, P. G., Borst, R., & Farndale, E. (November 14, 2019). “The distinctiveness of public sector HRM: A historical analysis,” 11th International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Kwon, B., Farndale, E., & Park, J. G. (August 11, 2019). “The process of formal and direct voice practices: The role of participative climate,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Farndale, E., Kwon, B., & Park, J. G. (January 11, 2019). “How investing in HR adds value: HR:employee ratios and employee voluntary turnover,” HR International Conference, Academy of Management, Dublin, Ireland.
Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer), Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Chicago, “The Global Work Design Project: Exploring the Meaning of Good Work Around the World.” (August 11, 2018).
Farndale, E., Beamond, M., Corbett-Etchevers, I., & Xu, S. (February 2, 2018). “Global talent management in emerging economies: local talent challenges,” ANZIBA, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Farndale, E., Kwon, B., & Park, J. G. (August 8, 2017). “Adding Value to the Organization through the HR Department,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Farndale, E. (Facilitator). (August 8, 2017). “New Perspectives on Work-Family Research,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Farndale, E. (Moderator). (August 8, 2017). “Manager HR Attribution and Employee Outcomes: Considering HR Implementation,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Argwal, P., & Farndale, E. (August 7, 2017). “Dark Triad and Managerial derailment: Can High-performance work systems derail dark behavior?” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Kwon, B., & Farndale, E. (August 7, 2017). “Employee Voice Process Viewed through a Cross-cultural Lens,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer), & Parry, E. (August 4, 2017). “Addressing the Challenges of Large Scale, Cross-national Survey Data Collection,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Farndale, E.. (August 4, 2017). “The HR Division’s Ambassadors Program: A Portfolio for Attracting and Engaging Int’l AOM Members,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Atlanta, GA.
Farndale, E. (June 30, 2017). “Meet the Editors: Getting published in HRMJ,” University of Liverpool Management School, Liverpool, UK.
Farndale, E., & Nouri, R. (November 25, 2016). “HRM Systems and Attribution: Consequences for Work Engagement and Burnout,” WAOP, Erasumus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Paauwe, J., & Farndale, E. (October 28, 2016). “Modelling the SHRM-performance relationship: The contextual SHRM model,” 10th Human Resource Management Workshop, University of Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain. *Winner of best paper award.
Zhang, L., & Farndale, E. (October 27, 2016). “Does age matter? Age as a moderator of employee outcomes of job resources,” 10th Human Resource Management Workshop, University of Cadiz, Cadiz, Spain.
Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer), Lee Cooke, F., & Rupidara, N. (September 28, 2016). “Human Resource Management Paper Development Workshop,” International Conference of Human Resource Management, Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia.
Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., & Boselie, P. (August 9, 2016). “Corporate Crisis: Evolution of Human Resource Function Roles,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer). (August 9, 2016). “How HR Challenges are met in Diverse Cultural, Institutional, and Organizational Contexts,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Farndale, E., & Nouri, R. (August 8, 2016). “HRM Systems, Work Engagement and Burnout: The Role of Attribution,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Farndale, E. (Panel Member). (August 6, 2016). “HR Division Doctoral Consortium,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer). (August 6, 2016). “Work Design Across Cultures: Exploring the Meaning of Good Work around the World,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Anaheim, CA.
DeCieri, H., & Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer). (February 20, 2016). “Doctoral Consortium,” HR Division International Conference, Academy of Management, Sydney, Australia.
Farndale, E. (February 20, 2016). “HR competencies: Linking to three levels of performance,” HR Division International Conference, Academy of Management, Sydney, Australia.
Farndale, E., Hope Hailey, V., & Kelliher, C. (February 20, 2016). “Line Managers, Justice and Employee Commitment under New Public Management,” HR Division International Conference, Academy of Management, Sydney, Australia.
Farndale, E. (November 27, 2015). “A cross-cultural study of supervisor support and employee engagement,” Annual Meeting, WAOP, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Leduc, L., Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer), & Mahler, J. (August 10, 2015). “HR Division Welcome Breakfast and Awards Presentation,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Beamond, M., Farndale, E., & Hartel, C. (August 10, 2015). “Cognitive mapping of MNE’s managerial groups: translating SHRM to emerging markets- Latin America,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Kwon, B., Farndale, E., & Park, J. G. (August 10, 2015). “Socio-Cultural versus Best Practice Drivers of Employee Voice and Work Engagement,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Zhang, L., & Farndale, E.. (August 9, 2015). “Does Age Matter? The Effect of Age on Job Resources and Work Engagement,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Castro-Christiansen, L., Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer), & Williams, H. (August 8, 2015). “Publishing in Top-Tier US Journals for non-US Scholars,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Castro-Christiansen, L., & Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer). (August 8, 2015). “A Guide to International Visiting and Sabbatical Positions,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Biron, M., & Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer). (August 7, 2015). “HR Division’s International Ambassadors Meeting,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Vancouver, BC.
Beamond, M., Hartel, C., & Farndale, E.. (January 24, 2015). “Interplay between global to local translation of HRM strategies in emerging markets: Decision making in Latin America,” 5th Annual Conference, AIB-LAT, Santiago, Chile.
Farndale, E. (November 27, 2014). “Linking HR Competence to Improving Firm Competitiveness,” International Conference on Sustainability, Via Futuri 2014, Pecs, Hungary.
Farndale, E., & Lamare, R. (August 5, 2014). “Effects of Models of Capitalism on Employee Economic Democracy,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.
Farndale, E., Aktas, M., & Gelfand, M. (August 5, 2014). “The Influence of Culture on the Strength of HRM Systems: An 18 Nation Study,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.
Farndale, E., Beijer, S., Van Veldhoven, M., Hope Hailey, V., & Kelliher, C. (May 16, 2014). “A work outcomes nomological network of work and organization engagement,” Annual Conference, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Honolulu, HI.
Beamond, M., Farndale, E., & Hartel, C. (March 21, 2014). “How MNCs Translate SHRM across Subsidiaries in Emerging Economies: The Case of Latin America,” 4th Annual Conference, AIB-LAT, Medellin, Colombia.
Farndale, E., Beijer, S., Van Veldhoven, M., Hope Hailey, V., & Kelliher, C. (August 12, 2013). “An empirical examination of the distinctiveness of work and organization employee engagement,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Orlando, FL.
Farndale, E. (Co-Organizer). (August 12, 2013). “Broadening the Foci of Employee Engagement: Definitions, Antecedents, and Outcomes,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Orlando, FL.
Farndale, E., Ligthart, P., Poutsma, E., & Brewster, C. (July 3, 2013). “Convergence of HRM practices over time: A comparison of multinational and domestic firms in contrasting market economies,” Academy of International Business, Istanbul, Turkey.
Farndale, E., & Murrer, I. (June 18, 2013). “Job resources and employee engagement: A cross-national investigation,” International Network of Business and Management Journals, Lisbon, Portugal.
Farndale, E. (January 10, 2013). “A cross-cultural comparison of supervisor support roles in performance appraisal and employee engagement,” Academy of Management Africa Conference, Academy of Management, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Farndale, E., & Ligthart, P. (August 7, 2012). “Liberal versus Coordinated Market Economies: Exploring HRM practices over time,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Martin, G., Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., & Stiles, P. (August 6, 2012). “A Corporate Governance Lens on Strategic Human Resources Management,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Farndale, E. (August 6, 2012). “HRM: the importance of (national) context,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Farndale, E., Van Veldhoven, M., Hope Hailey, V., Kelliher, C., Leiter, M., Budhwar, P., & Beijer, S. (August 4, 2012). “HRM and employee engagement across countries – a research incubator,” Annual Meeting, Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
Farndale, E. (July 2012). “Line management’s cross-cultural role in performance appraisal and employee engagement,” 16th World Congress, ILERA, Philadelphia, PA.
Farndale, E., Sparrow, P., & Scullion, H. (April 2012). “Global talent management: the role of the corporate human resources function?” Talent Management Workshop, EIASM, Brussels, Belgium.
Farndale, E., Ligthart, P., Brewster, C. J., & Poutsma, E. (November 25, 2011). “Institutional frameworks and HRM practices in Europe: The Market Economy effect over time,” 1st Israeli GHRM Conference, ORT Braude College, Israel.
Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., & Boselie, P. (August 16, 2011). “Corporate Crisis: Professional Identity (R)evolution?” Academy of Management, San Antonio TX.
Farndale, E., & Kelliher, C. (August 15, 2011). “Employee experiences of performance appraisal: A multilevel investigation,” Academy of Management, San Antonio TX.
Farndale, E., Suijkerbuijk, S., Kelliher, C., & Hope Hailey, V. (May 18, 2011). “Organizational justice in the new public sector: mediating the LMX and organizational commitment relationship,” Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, University of Paris Dauphine, Paris, France.
Farndale, E., & Murrer, I. (May 12, 2011). “Employee engagement: a cross-national investigation of the impact of job resources,” VIIIth International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Seville, Spain.
Farndale, E., Kelliher, C., Hope Hailey, V., & Van Veldhoven, M. (February 8, 2011). “Employee Engagement in Multi-National Companies: a comparison of antecedents and definitions,” ESRC-Funded Seminar Series RES-451-26-0807, Kent, UK.
Farndale, E. (June 9, 2010). “Performance appraisal and employee engagement: Evidence from the UK, India and China,” 11th International Human Resource Management Conference, Birmingham, UK. *Winner of best paper award.
Farndale, E., Beijer, S., & Van Veldhoven, M. (May 12, 2010). “The meaning of employee engagement: Towards an integrative typology for HR research,” Eastern Academy of Management, Portland, ME.
Farndale, E., & Murrer, I. (August 10, 2009). “Job resources as antecedents of employee engagement: a cross-national investigation,” Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago IL.
Farndale, E., Scullion, H., & Sparrow, P. (August 10, 2009). “The Role of the Corporate HR Function in the Global War for Talent,” Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, IL. *Finalist of 2009 Emerald Best International Symposium award.
Farndale, E., Scullion, H., & Sparrow, P. (June 21, 2009). “The role of the corporate HR function in global talent management,” 10th International Human Resource Management Conference, Santa Fe, NM.
Biron, M., Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (May 21, 2009). “Performance measurement to performance management: Lessons from world-leading firms,” VIIth International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Murcia, Spain.
Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (August 27, 2008). “Context-bound modeling of the role of corporate HR functions in MNCs,” HRM Global 2008, Turku, Finland.
Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (August 27, 2008). “The HR function in international organizations: contribution to a high performance theory,” HRM Global 2008, Turku, Finland.
Farndale, E., Hope Hailey, V., & Kelliher, C. (August 11, 2008). “High commitment performance management,” Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Farndale, E., Suijkerbuijk, S., Hope Hailey, V., & Kelliher, C. (August 11, 2008). “Organizational justice as a mediator between LMX and organizational outcomes in the public sector,” Academy of Management Meeting, Anaheim, CA.
Farndale, E. (June 13, 2008). “What is really driving HRM convergence or divergence across national boundaries in Europe?” CRANET HR Conference 2008, Pecs, Hungary.
Farndale, E., Van Ruiten, J., Hope Hailey, V., & Kelliher, C. (May 14, 2008). “The influence of employee voice on organizational commitment in times of organizational change: an exchange perspective,” 8th EURAM Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Hope Hailey, V., Farndale, E., & Kelliher, C. (November 9, 2007). “Achieving fairness: a broader perspective on the HRM and performance debate,” 5th Dutch HRM Network Conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Farndale, E., Poutsma, E., & Brewster, C. (November 9, 2007). “Changing Dualities: Institutional Frameworks and HRM practices in Multinationals and Domestic Firms in European Countries,” 5th Dutch HRM Network Conference, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Kelliher, C., Farndale, E., & Hope Hailey, V. (September 3, 2007). “A lean response to modernizing the public sector?” IIRA Europe, Manchester, UK.
Farndale, E., Paauwe, J., Wright, P. M., & Stiles, P. (August 6, 2007). “The multi-dimensional challenges and opportunities of undertaking international HRM research,” Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Kelliher, C., Farndale, E., Hope Hailey, V., & Clarke, C. (August 4, 2007). “Going global, feeling small: an examination of managers’ reactions to globalization in a multi-national organization,” Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Farndale, E., Brewster, C. J., & Poutsma, E. (June 12, 2007). “Co-ordinated vs. liberal market HRM: the impact of institutionalization on multinational firms,” 9th International Human Resource Management Conference, Tallinn, Estonia.
Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (May 17, 2007). “The HR function in perspective: comparing the Dutch experience with American/UK models,” 6th International Workshop on HRM, Cadiz, Spain.
Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (October 25, 2006). “HR Shared Service Centers in the Netherlands: restructuring the HRM function,” 1st European Academic Workshop for eHRM, Twente, The Netherlands.
Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (September 14, 2006). “Best practice versus best fit HRM: within and across MNC comparisons,” 14th IIRA World Conference, Lima, Peru.
Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (September 14, 2006). “Drivers of variation in HR practices in MNCs,” 14th IIRA World Conference, Lima, Peru.
Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (August 14, 2006). “Context-bound modeling of the role of corporate HR functions in MNCs,” Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Farndale, E., Hope Hailey, V., & Kelliher, C. (August 14, 2006). “Opening the Black Box in HRM and Firm Performance: Trust as a Mediator of Employee Commitment,” Academy of Management Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (November 4, 2005). “HRM practices and firm performance in multinational settings,” 4th Dutch HRM Network Conference, Twente, The Netherlands.
Farndale, E., Hope Hailey, V., & Kelliher, C. (November 4, 2005). “The linkage between HRM and firm performance: employee-level empirics,” 4th Dutch HRM Network Conference, Twente, The Netherlands.
Hope Hailey, V., Kelliher, C., Farndale, E., & Moore, C. (July 1, 2005). “Going global, feeling small: the impact of globalizing upon a national subunit’s managerial identity and culture,” 21st EGOS Colloquium, Berlin, Germany.
Farndale, E., & Brewster, C. J. (June 24, 2005). “In search of legitimacy: national professional associations and the professionalism of HR practitioners,” ACREW, Melbourne, Australia.
Farndale, E., & Paauwe, J. (May 19, 2005). “The strategic role of corporate HR functions in MNCs,” 5th International Workshop on HRM, Seville, Spain.
Farndale, E. (August 9, 2004). “Information systems and Personnel department power: an institutional perspective,” Academy of Management Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Farndale, E., & Hope Hailey, V. (July 1, 2004). “Personnel department power: sealed in an institutional vacuum?” 20th EGOS Colloquium, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Farndale, E. (November 7, 2003). “Personnel department professionalism in Higher Education in the UK,” 3rd HRM Network NL Conference, Twente, The Netherlands.
Farndale, E. (June 4, 2003). “Institutionalization and HR department power in Higher Education,” 7th International Human Resource Management Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
Farndale, E. (July 10, 2002). “HR departments: contributing to professionalism?” ANZAM/IFSAM, Gold Coast, Australia.
Farndale, E. (July 4, 2002). “Sourcing departmental power: the case of HR and the impact of IS,” 18th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain.
Farndale, E. (November 15, 2001). “The intra-organizational power of the human resources department: the impact of information systems,” 2nd Dutch HRM Network Conference, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Farndale, E. (November 14, 2001). “Improving leadership and management skills in universities,” Universities Personnel Administrators Conference, Exeter, UK.
Farndale, E., & Brewster, C. J. (August 6, 2001). “International professionalisation of HR,” Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, DC.
Farndale, E. (July 2, 2001). “A global model of HR competencies,” CIPD Professional Standards Conference, Keele, UK.
Farndale, E. (June 20, 2001). “HR professionalism: UK/European comparisons,” Global HRM Conference, Barcelona, Spain.
Farndale, E., & Brewster, C. J. (November 16, 2000). “The professionalisation of HR through global standards,” AGRH 11th Annual Conference, Paris, France.
Farndale, E. (September 13, 2000). “The impact of national context on the IT-related activities of the HR function,” British Academy of Management, Edinburgh, UK.
Whittaker, J., Brewster, C. J., & Farndale, E.. (May 28, 2000). “Global trends and perspectives of HR competencies and professional standards,” 8th World Congress of Human Resource Management, Paris, France.